Growth in Membership results in strength for the organisation.
Members are the liveblood of any organisation members provide the vigor, laughter and connectedness that clubs need to implement the projects which benefit women and girls. It is the members who know their communities and their wants and needs.
Whilst membership recruitment is a year long activity, this is heightened during the month of October, where we celebrate all things Membership. To assist Clubs, regions and national association, the Membership and communications team have created toolkits and promotional material. You are encouraged to utilize below tools to promote October is Membership month
Other Resources
- Membership Survive through Thrive Quiz: can be used for both online and face-to-face meeting. 20 Questions to refresh and challenge club members to drive new membership and engage existing members. Find or download Quiz sheet and Quiz Cards in below link.
LINK to Download the quiz and pdf
- Membership Month e-Signature: an e-Signature has been created. Clubs and members are encouraged to leverage this design in their club or individual email signature to promote the theme of the month. To create or replace existing signuature, simple go to "signature" function in Outlook or Gmail and paste this design image under your favorite signature and social media icons. Example is below.
LINK to Download the eSignature and documents