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Join Us in the Joy of Giving:
This holiday season, let’s come together to make a difference. Purchase Christmas Gift Certificate and play a part in fostering education and empowerment for women and girls. Your purchase will contribute directly to Federation’s Brilliant Futures Fund which will support club’s implementation of projects that provide 'pathways to future possibilities' for women and girls.
Why Gift Certificate?
This unique approach allows both givers and receivers to experience the joy of giving. Instead of traditional presents, these certificates become token of hope and empowerment. It is a chance to make the holiday season even more meaningful by contributing to a cause.
How does it Work:
Visit our SISEAP website’s shop to purchase the Certificate and email hq@siswp.org for the certificate to be sent directly to your mailbox.
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Congratulations to Soroptimist International Rangatahi Wellington, who are the successful winners of Round 5 of the Brilliant Futures Fund with their Ovarian Cancer Awareness Project
The project will directly address the issues of Ovarian Cancer, by raising awareness of ovarian cancer, its symptoms, and risk factors, aligning with SISEAP's commitment to women's health. SISEAP's mission to educate, empower and enable is carried out in this project. We will educate by spreading critical knowledge about ovarian cancer, enabling informed choices. By providing comprehensive yet user-friendly resources, we will enable women to take charge of their health and well-being. Furthermore, we will empower women and communities to support affected individuals and advocate for change in the face of this devastating disease in partnership with an ovarian cancer charity. This project not only reflects SISEAP's vision and mission but also embodies the organisation's dedication to being a voice for women
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Why Soroptimists support and care about advocating during the 16 days of Activism.
The 16 Days is an annual international campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
During this time the voices of Soroptimists are amplified as we call for action against the persistent violence against women and girls, which is a violation of their human rights.
We know the statistics, they have not changed for decades, , we have all heard that this violence is committed against women on the basis of orientation, gender identity or sex characteristics, women and girls are especially at risk of violence during conflict, where sexual violence becomes a weapon of war.
The UN’s theme for 2023 is“UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls,” the UN site states“The COVID-19 pandemic, conflicts and climate change have exacerbated the risks for this violence and generated new threats, amplifying the vulnerability of women and girls.”
This year, the 5 Federations have joined to have a united theme for the 16 Days, this theme is “Wired for Change”. Techs impact on gender based abuse. Wired for Change looks at the impact that technology has had in shaping gender-based abuse and violence; how it has been a force for bad but also how it has impacted the world positively.
Soroptimist involvement in providing services on a local level in our communities cannot be understated. Throughout the year your personal and soroptimist commitment ensures the conversation is kept current, your advocacy and actions create opportunities for women’s empowerment. During the 16 Days, these actions are heighten as we UNITE to amplify our voices for the change we desire a world free from violence in all its forms.
Use the media and toolkits provided from Soroptimist International and our own Federation to show your support to ending Violence against Women.
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SI Hornsby in partnership with Afghan Women on the Move and Host International will provide migrant women in Sydney with skills in sewing, financial literacy and English language to increase economic independence and social contact within their own and other communities. This will help the women move from a ‘Survive to Thrive’. This project will run for 20 weeks and provide up to 30 women with new skills and a pathway to financial independence..
Update on Project
SI Hornsby’s project ‘Stitching Dreams – Connecting Communities” received a grant from the Federation Brilliant Futures Fund earlier this year. It was launched In February and began operating in early May. Members of SI Hornsby, in partnership with HOST International and Afghan Women on the Move, and with the help of 2 members of SI The Hills and several other volunteers, meet weekly in the Salvation Army hall in Blacktown, western Sydney, where more than twenty participants are registered.
There immigrant women from a numerous countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, India, Sudan, Indonesia and the Philippines) are taught machine sewing with a view to setting up businesses to sell their products, with talks on financial literacy and business skills, mental health and well-being. Club members with training in English as a Second Language (ESL) provide conversational English, and members with current Working with Children checks provide child minding for pre-schoolers. We also provide a delicious morning tea for the women and their children. We have occasional feed-back sessions with interpreters on what the women are gaining and what we could do better. Their enthusiasm for the project, for the friendships being forged and for what they are learning gives us great joy.
There is a group of fourteen volunteers who attend regularly in various roles. After 18 sessions so far, we calculate that hours spent at the project amount to over 440, not including travelling time, as well as the hours of sewing prep, Zoom meetings and admin work done at home.
We are most grateful for the grant, for fundraising activities and for cash donations which have enabled us to buy sewing machines, fabric and sewing requirements. We’re also very grateful for donations from numerous people of sewing machines, overlockers, fabrics etc.
We plan to end the formal sessions for the project in November, and are working on the participants consolidating their skills and passing them on to other immigrant women at regular meeting sessions. Thus, the project will continue in another form and become self-sustaining.
Anne Sheehan
Projects which empower women such as the Stitching Dreams, can only be achieved through the generousity of donors. To donate to the Brilliant Futures Fund, so that more quality projects can be delivered
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Message from President Christine Johnstone, on this International Day of the Girl Child. Statement and interview with Danielle Hughes, science awardee and members of SI South Adelaide.
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Entries have been received for the Federation wide Art Competition
The art competition has provided a vehicle for students to amplify voices through visual art. SISEAP is pleased to be able to showcase the students creativity. Their art works tell their story, as they share their concens of how humans live and care for their environment.
FIRST PRIZE: Awarded to Eshal Naeem - When sustainability grows, we grow
THIRD PRIZE: Charis Wong and Alexis Bailey
Artist =- Eshal_Naeem, Australia
Artist - Khloe Teo Malaysia
Artist: Charis Wong., New Zealand
Charis writes, "This artwork is what I want for the future world. I want it to be more eco friendly so that the ocean is less polluted (with Jelly fishes around), new plants will be able to sprout (sprouting plant in the rain). We can have a clear sky (white cloud in the blue sky, less light pollution so that we can see the stars at night. We will be able to have fresh air to breathe (the blue swirl in the drawing. Minimize the use of pesticides so that bees and bugs can help pollinate the plants. We will have a beautiful nature scenery through the seasons (cherry blossom, green vines, autumn leaves). Therefore we should reduce, reuse and recycle to save our world now. "
Artist Alexis Bailey, Australia
Under 7 years
FIRST PRIZE: Gabrielle Chavarri
Artist Gabriella Chavarri aged 5 years
13 -18 Years
FIRST PRIZE: Low Yeong Shi
SECOND PRIZE: Kira Manning
Artist - Low Yeong Shi, Malaysia
Using a wavy art style reminiscent of water, wind, and sound, this artwork portrays two contrasting environments. On the left, there's the thriving tree, while the right side represents a polluted setting, with air pollution and rising temperatures. As temperatures soar, drought becomes evident, manifesting as cracks on the figure's head. Below, a polar bear underscores the impact of melting ice on its habitat. The water emerging from the figure's mouth appears dirty, with floating debris—an unsettling reminder of the widespread issue of microplastics in our food, resulting from irresponsible human actions. Overall, the central female figure symbolizes both MotherNature's resilience and the strength to fight for her rights.Naturetoo will fight for itself, and the consequences of our actions will inevitably return to us.
Artist - Kira Manning - Australia
Walking the Earth in harmony with ancestors, animals, plants and spirits
Video Art Work
FIRST PRIZE: Matilda Grant and Tianian Shen
Video Entry - Filmmakers Matilda Grant and Tiantian Shen. The video focus is on the impact of waste with a strong call to action to 'pick it up'
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On the 8th of September each year, the world united to commemorate International Literacy Day. It is a day that underscores the profound impact of literacy on individuals, communities and entire nations. More than just a celebration, it is a powerful reminder that literacy is a fundamental human right. As we mark this important day, we proudly share with you the impactful literacy projects from SISEAP Soroptimists.This work brings not just reading and writing opportunities but includes empowerment, equality and access across the whole life cycle.
SI Bangkok
SI Bangkok initiated an outreach project during the Covid pandemic in 2020. Located in Ratchaburi province, around a 2 hours’ drive from Bangkok, the Nongplamo Pittayakom school serves secondary students, some of whom are from low-income families. Such children are often being raised by grandparents as their parents have separated and/or have left the province to seek employment elsewhere. As a result of the nation-wide lockdowns, many providers for these children lost their jobs or saw their incomes diminish significantly; they could no longer support the students’ tuitions and other related expenses like uniforms and lunches. We pledged 12,000 baht (AUD 500+) per child to help the students with the greatest need, supporting 13 to 16 girls and boys from 2020-2022 with the goal of keeping them in school. Funds were raised among members and friends of SI Bangkok both in Thailand, Japan and Australia. This continues into 2023.
SI Beenleigh & “Follow the Sugar Trail”
SI Beenleigh along with Beenleigh Quota and Rotary, commissioned a book, “Follow the Sugar Trail”, explaining the history of their community. This book is provided to 8 and 9 years old students attending schools in their district. SI Beenleigh President Vicki is presenting the book to children at a book giving event organized at school together with member Soroptimists.
SI Geelong
A project to provide Literacy and Numeracy bags to Prep students starting in seven local primary schools in a lower socio-economic area of Geelong. Each kit contains numeracy material and age appropriate reading material for pre-school children. The bag also serves as a library bag so that the children may borrow books from the pre school library.
SI Lautoka
SI Lautoka members understand the profound impact of reading. Club members therefore actively contribute to a local school by establishing and maintaining a library. The members understand the vital role of nurturing children’s curiosity and imagination, as such keeping the library well stocked with a diverse selection of engaging and captivating books.
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Soroptimist International Quadrennial Report 2020-2023
This report is a celebration of our achievements over the last four years and hopefully an inspiration for the next quadrennium. The aims and goals have been high, and our members have worked hard to achieve them. Through the work that we do, we have raised the profile of Soroptimist International and made a very real difference to the lives of many women and girls, and their families across the world.
Written by Christine Johnstone on . Posted in News (main site) .
SISEAP Soroptimist Stephanie Smith was the successful recipient of the SISEAP Dublin Convention Award. Stephanie shares with us her impressions of her very first International Convention.
Tēna koutou katoa Nō Norfolk Island a Wales ōku tīpuna I whānau mai au I Tamaki Makarau Ko Whakatū tōku kāinga ināinaei Ko Clive tōku Pāpa Ko Ruth tōku Māma Ko Jim tōku Tāne Ko Oisin tōku tama Ko Steph ahau Nō reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
Hello all, I am a descendent from both Norfolk Island and Wales. My Dad’s name is Clive and my Mum’s name is Ruth. I grew up in Auckland and now reside in Nelson, New Zealand. I am married to my husband Jim, and we have one son named Oisin. My name is Stephanie Smith. I was fortunate to receive both the SISEAP Special Appeal Award and the Yvonne Simpson Travel Awards which allowed me to attend my first Soroptimist International Convention held in Dublin, Ireland July 2023.
Written by Christine Johnstone on . Posted in News (main site) .
SISEAP Annual Report for 2022, has just been published. The report showcases our projects across the 13 countries of the Federation SI South East Asia Pacific, the Federation Brilliant Futures Project, our reponse to disasters, Membership information, the Company secretaries report and audited reports.
Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations