Membership is at the core of a Club, without members Clubs cannot continue to implement the project work to benefit women and girls.
This information is for the benefit of members of Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific. Being a member of our organization means you are helping women and girls whilst at the same time you are being provided with an invaluable wealth of knowledge, resources and opportunities
Latest News
Dual Membership
Best Practice Award Winners 2023
Thriving Futures
Member-Get-A-Member Campaign
Online Community
Membership Team
Membership Convenor - Yvonne Simpson
Membership Australia - Elizabeth Butson
Membership Asia - Joyce Lim
Membership New Zealand & Pacific - Veena Sharma
Friendship Link Coordinator - Zareena Bi
SISEAP Community Online Co-ordinator - Kim Hainsworth
Director assisgned to Membership - Anthea Penny
ExOfficio: President Christine Johnstone and President Elect Joanne Yeoh
Resources and Tip Sheets
The Membership Team have developed a series of resource documents including tip sheets to assist you with Retention and Extension.
- What is a potential member looking for?
- Welcomming different levels of involvement
- Member Get A Member
- Volunteering is good for your health
- What transferrable skills do you gain from volunteering
- Follow up on prospective members
- Remove barriers, be inclusive, show hospitality
folder Read these and more tip sheets HERE
Club Retention and Extension
Retaining members and recruiting new ones is the key to a healthy club. Clubs are asked to increase membership by 10% annually to stay vibrant. New members bring vitality to their club.
What Clubs can do to recruit new members:
- Having a successful club project will attract like minded potential members. Ensure you follow up with those who attend. Have flyers on what you do to take away.
- Social media: each Club should have their own Facebook page: or use Twitter & Instagram to spread project achievements.
- Newspaper articles that include a photo of an event. Issue media releases on events
Letters to the editor thanking the community for support of evengts. - Hold an afternoon or evening event for prospective members. Advertise via social media or in local community newspapers.
- Other resources can be found on the website in the folder Retention and Recruitment folder .
What Clubs can do to retain current members
- Make sure to recruit informed members
- Support, value and recognise members
- Engage members with decision making
- Listen respectfully to everyone in the Club
- Empower and let new members take a lead role e.g. in an activity or in a Club role
Muriel Barber Fund
The Muriel Barber Fund was established as a fund for extension within our Federation. It is named after Muriel Barber of Griffith Club in the Riverina Region New South Wales. Muriel was elected President of the Council of the South West Pacific in 1971 but died shortly after taking office.
Purpose of the fund is to:
- Subsidise extension in the formation, and support for a maximum of two years, of new clubs.
- Assist in establishing new Clubs in the Federation area beyond existing regional boundaries.
- Assist Regions, or National Associations (in the case of non-region countries) in their attempts to strengthen existing Clubs within their boundaries.
- Provide membership training.
- Provide funding for Federation wide extension, recruitment, retention and training.
- Also includes support for:
- Travel expenses.
- Charter of new Clubs.
- Promotional material.
The up to date guidelines and application procedures are in the folder Muriel Barber Fund Handbook and Application form
Resources to assist members in all aspects of membership can be found in the downloads area of the website. Access to these resources is restricted to members who are logged onto the website using their unique membership no.
Examples of resources:
- Member Information Handbook
- Club leadership handbook
- document Membership Fees (348 KB)
- pdf Clubs can have several categories of membership (116 KB)
- pdf Associate membership (116 KB)
- pdf Dual Membership (1.66 MB)
- What your fees deliver
- Club nomination form for new members
- Members Information handbook
- New members certificate
- New members induction ceremony