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The world’s leading volunteer organisation for women
Every day, around the world, Soroptimists make a positive difference to the lives of women and girls.
With gender equality at our heart, we are dedicated to finding solutions that empower women and girls to be their best. It’s a big job, but we are up to the task.
Working within our local communities and beyond, members carry out practical, hands-on projects that create a direct and immediate impact. Looking to the future, we champion key issues, advocating for change at all levels of government, right through to the United Nations.
Our members are a remarkable group of women. They come from a range of countries and age groups, with diverse occupations and interests, yet they are all enthusiastic, compassionate and strong defenders of women’s rights.
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16 Days of Activism
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international Campaign which takes place each year commencing on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November to conclude on International Human Rights Day, 10 December 2017. This is a time to galvanize action and end violence against women and girls around the world. It was originated by the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991 and is supported each year by the United Nations Secretary-General’s campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women.
This year the international theme is: Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls. This theme reflects the core principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the campaign reinforces the UNiTE Campaign’s commitment to a world free from violence for all women and girls around the world, while reaching the most underserved and marginalized, including refugees, migrants, minorities, indigenous peoples, and populations affected by conflict and natural disasters, amongst others, first.
Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific continues to support this activity every year across our Federation countries. This year we will combine this with our Annual Walk the Talk activities and I ask that all our Members undertake some activity or project to raise awareness within their local communities by either participating in a Walk the Talk or simply by wearing Orange on 25th November to show you support to the world’s call to End Violence Against Women and Girls.
Below is SISWP’s banner for the 16 Days of Activism that you can use on Facebook or Twitter, and also repost using this banner every 25th day of the month for the immediate future. If you are downloading this from the SISWP Website you will need to login to the website as a member prior to clicking download now. Download this banner now.The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international Campaign which takes place each year commencing on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November to conclude on International Human Rights Day, 10 December 2017. This is a time to galvanize action and end violence against women and girls around the world. It was originated by the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991 and is supported each year by the United Nations Secretary-General’s campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women.
This year the international theme is: Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls. This theme reflects the core principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the campaign reinforces the UNiTE Campaign’s commitment to a world free from violence for all women and girls around the world, while reaching the most underserved and marginalized, including refugees, migrants, minorities, indigenous peoples, and populations affected by conflict and natural disasters, amongst others, first.
Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific continues to support this activity every year across our Federation countries. This year we will combine this with our Annual Walk the Talk activities and I ask that all our Members undertake some activity or project to raise awareness within their local communities by either participating in a Walk the Talk or simply by wearing Orange on 25th November to show you support to the world’s call to End Violence Against Women and Girls.
Below is SISWP’s banner for the 16 Days of Activism that you can use on Facebook or Twitter, and also repost using this banner every 25th day of the month for the immediate future. If you are downloading this from the SISWP Website you will need to login to the website as a member prior to clicking download now. image Download this banner now. (968 KB)
Asia Pacific Environment Summit
The first Asia-Pacific Ministerial Summit on the Environment was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 5-8 September 2017, jointly organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and UN Environment.
This meeting was attended by Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific, Programme Director Di Lockwood.
Di writes for us on the Soroptimist experience at this important UN meeting.
This meeting, held at the ESCAP building, had 3 parts. A CSO forum on the 4th was followed by two days of senior officials meeting to plan the Ministerial statement for the UN Environment Conference in Nairobi later in the year and the final two days was given to Ministerial statements and the finalisation of resolutions. All were around the theme of “A Pollution Free Planet.”
The CSO Forum had three components. The first was an overview of Pollution in the region, the second a review of local action and finally a vision of what a pollution free Asia pacific could look like. Among this was also the crafting of a CSO statement and the planning of CSO interventions when permitted in the programme
Pollution in the region is vast, largely as a result of population increases, rapid industrialisation and a rural to urban drift, coupled with a lack of awareness, a lack of data and monitoring and of budget. Air pollution from cars has increased and both old and new sources of pollution have multiplied while growth indicators are based on consumption and production. Plastic pollution is extensive and wide reaching and is affecting oceans, fish and hence humans through their food.
Pesticides are polluting air and water. Over 7 million deaths in the region are a result of air pollution. 5.3 billion pounds of pesticides are used in the region each year with subsequent poor effects on soil, water, crops and health. Similarly hazardous pollutants arise as a result of processes and practices in manufacturing and the
percentage of fatal accidents in developing Asia is four times higher than in developed countries and 64% of the world’s 317 million injuries are to be found in SE and West Asia. Militarism is also a factor. Increased expenditure, ocean filling and reclamation and the volume of toxic waste left by the US have all had effects on health and the marine environment.
The second aspect, that of review, was varied. Local responses were mixed. In some areas ignorance or toleration have had little impact on issues while in other areas local action has had mixed results Governments’ bodies tend to operate in silos which delay effective action , very few effective regulatory processes exist although UN Convention and Transnational corporations which do exist may be overlooked or underused. Some local action does take place but monopoly control of food and agriculture has had deleterious effects. Awareness building on the impact of pollutants has been important. A practice of community action is emerging and social movements are important as a means of mobilising pressure on governments and businesses.
A vision of a pollution free Asia pacific region is seen to be possible given examples elsewhere in the world. For pollution free oceans it is seen as important to invoke Agenda 21 principles with the SDGs and to promote producer responsibility for the life of a product. Agroecology can be pursued by noting that it makes sense economically as yields can be improved markedly. There is a belief that green jobs, limiting greenhouse emissions, managing waste pollution and protecting and restoring ecosystems is possible with funding that recognises priorities and is willing to use partnerships.
An interesting comment on the impact of pollution was that,” we had early warning but a late reaction.”
There was considerable discussion about technology. Seen by some governments as the solution to many issues, it is in fact controlled by businesses and parachuting it into an environment may not be the best solution. Technology is not usually the answer to a problem that is not technology based. Technology is not gender blind and we should always check if it will help those left behind. It needs to address the real needs and reflect the realities of communities. Often local innovations can be most effective. Consider GM seeds. Four transnational corporations control 75% of seeds in the world and some laws mean that farmers cannot use their own seeds from their crops. 70% of the food in the world is produced by small farmers using agro-ecology. Is there a real need for GM seed? Who is benefitting?
There followed some interesting examples of effective community action to prevent or mitigate environmental damage.
Days 2 and 3
Officials Segments
The start of the Senior Official section saw some formalities of elections etc. It was interesting to note the significant role being taken by Fiji and Samoa.
The official welcome stressed the need for care in city infrastructures and the need for the Asia Pacific region to be “less resource heavy”. The Executive Secretary of ESCAP spoke of the need for a healthy environment to ease the burdens of poverty and climate change. Asia Pacific is a high user of resources and the pace of growth is rapid with a middle class, that wants products, increasing by 270%. The underlying drivers are economic and structural changes are improving resource efficiency. To promote human well being careful policies are needed and countries need to examine macro forces .It was argued that steps Asia Pacific countries need to take are;
- To integrate resource efficiency targets into economic development plans
- To introduce legislature and support legal measures through awareness raising and financial incentives
- To promote overall macro-economic policies
- To check trade policies for resource efficiency
- To get more value out of existing resources
The major message was “profligate resource use is putting the planet at risk”
This was followed by an interesting intervention by a representative of the Global Group of Scientists for Sustainable Development. They argue that the SDGs are vital for the future of the people and the planet. Three pillars – economic, social and environmental need to be inseparable and that a transformation of attitude and activity is needed. Earth and its resources are limited and we are already reaching critical levels for the biosphere in some areas. Countries need to be aware of a country’s “carrying capacity” i.e. the environmental capacity boundaries.
Conservation is not being taken seriously as a way to guarantee the welfare of people. Forests are vital in this and supply up to 70% of needs for some. Developing biodiversity is vital to assist poorer people in some regions Sustainable agriculture, green industry and transport and limiting consumption are all possible and sustainable, We also need a transformation in our attitude to the experience and knowledge of indigenous people who can sustain biodiversity. We need to combine natural resource management with scientific knowledge and share information widely.
A panel on Policy Perspectives towards a Resource Efficient Asia Pacific produced some interesting points although there was agreement that the driving forces of population , consumption and production were unsustainable. Japan is using Interlinked targets and indices on the environment and has focussed heavily on intensive promotion of the 3Rs – Reduce, Recycle and policies Reuse with a 54% reduction in waste and 74% in other areas.
Sweden has had a gender focus and has seen resource management as a human issue. It has undertaken reform to give women access to policies, finance and cross cutting issues. It is pushing a green energy approach with gender as a business case. The Philippines focused on urbanisation and the need to establish resource efficiency in rapidly growing cities. The government has sustainable cities laws which must be followed but little detail was given nor a statement about effectiveness.
A number of countries made interventions which had their differences but common to all was the belief in resource efficiency as vital as well as the fact that we have a shared responsibility for the global situation. As Iran stated “ There needs to be a collective move to a paradigm shift in attitude and practices.”
The World Health Organisation intervened and stated that there were health issues associated with environmental issues It reminded states that most health issues were transboundary and that countries should support Small Island Developing States (SIDS) with health and environmental issues as they were victims not perpetrators of pollution.
Days 4 and 5 Ministerial Segment
These days were better attended as Ministers and their staff members were more evident and some CSO were in the chamber for much longer, It was interesting to watch some jostling to ensure that they were in the front row.
The first significant activity was a Review of Regional priorities and progress in the Asia Pacific Region given by Dr. Sirin
The progress and implementation of 41 countries was considered Progress was noted in:
- Finance and technology
- Policy and standards implementation
- Adaptation plans
- Mitigation measures
- Capacity building
- Ecosystem management
- Protection of flora and fauna
- Frameworks against crime
- Advocacy to protect species
Interventions by about 10 countries reflected government activity in these areas but in some countries the scale of the problem is enormous and they have indifference as a major issue. Creating a groundswell of awareness and information is vital and community organisations can play a big role here. All countries that commented were endeavouring to bring about changes particularly for marine litter and resource efficiency. There is of course a strong possibility of a difference between what is stated in legislation and what is happening.
The theme for the 2017 UN Environmental Assembly is a pollution free world, Why is this being addressed?
- Impact on human health and ecosystems is pervasive
- Some pollutants e.g. heavy metals stay in the system for decades
- Encourage better production
Gaps exist in:
- Implementation
- Knowledge
- Enforcement
- Leadership
- Awareness
Addressing pollution helps SDGs:
- Improves health especially of women and children
- Quality education
- Safe foods and water
- Good ecosystems
- Gender equality
- Three elements in a UN Environmental Framework should be:
- Universal, equal, realistic, inclusive and sustainable
- Targeted intervention based on risk assessment and scientific evidence to create a system wide transformation
- Enabling
We need life cycle thinking to avoid a revolving door approach and we need to change consumption behaviour. Political will is essential plus we need a committed citizenry that will commit to action, sign the Clean Planet Pledge and tell the stories of pollution and its effect. We need targeted technology that addresses pollution consequences.
Despite the difficulties it can be done. The fight against slavery was won, black and white skinned children attend school together, most common diseases that used to kill thousands have been eliminated .It is a matter of political will, leadership, services and organisation
So what can Soroptimists do?
As individuals we can:
- Stocktake our own practices
- Not waste food
- Eliminate our use of plastics especially single use plastic
- Reduce, recycle and reuse
- Use green lighting and power where possible
- Use simple green cleaning and gardening products
- Compost
- Talk to others
- Sign the Clean Planet Pledge
As a club we can
- Raise our own awareness
- Petition local stores regarding plastic use
- Look for organic or local food
- Plant species that support local birds and insects in local parks
- Petition local councils
- Gather hard data and evidence of local pollution
- Raise local knowledge and awareness of issues
- Support environmental work in local schools
- Advocate at our regional and national levels
As an organisation we can
- Create a strong Where We Stand statement on the environment
- Advocate strongly for adoption and implementation in countries of all resolutions etc that address the environment and pollution
- Support indigenous peoples and cultures in submissions e.g. to CSW 62 on rural women
- Include pollution in our efforts about water
- Create more partnerships with organisations that fight pollution
- Ensure that we consider those most likely to be overlooked or left behind in any legislation we are addressing.
For more information on summary highlights of the meeting visit: Ministerial events 2017
Cycles for Cycles
Cycles for Cycles is a joint project by SI Damansara, SI Melba, SI Singapore the project is located in Cambodia
Pathways to Prosperity
Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific (SISWP) Federation President Suman Lal 2020-2022
Suman Lal is our current President for SISWP 2020-2022, she has been a member of SI Sigatoka Club since 1995 and has held positions including Club Secretary, Treasurer and President. At a Region level she has held positions of President and Treasurer, Constitution, Public Relations, Extension and Training Convenor. She was associated with the SI Region of Fiji for 15 years continuously, ensuring smooth operation and continuity of the organisation.Suman has held the position of Program of Service/UN Liaison at a Federation level and has been National Representative of Fiji twice.
This Biennium, her vision is "Pathways to Prosperity" with one voice and statement “We Stand Up for Women". She stated "we shall celebrate 100 years of existence of our Bright Past and bringing the change for a Brilliant Future".
Following the success of past biennium's, she is hoping to continue what has been started with the following priority areas:
- Interclub Skills Exchange
- Helping Mentor Young Creators
- Promoting Social Enterprising
- Developing Projects Across Borders
"Let us rebuild, retool, and help strengthen our platform of action, amplifying our voices and bringing about sustainable change. I believe that we can do this by working together, by respecting each other, by listening and by sharing our knowledge and skills. Soroptimist International, our leaders, and members are very diverse and experienced in empowering women and girls. I know that we will continue to build on the foundations that have been established so effectively in our Federation". - Suman Lal
Federation Project 2021-2022
Our current Federation Project is the ''Brilliant Futures Fund”. The objective of this fund is to provide a funding stream for a club, a region or a country to implement or continue a new phase of a project which they would not be able to deliver without substantial funding. The Brilliant Futures Fund Grant will provide funding for up to $10,000 to deliver a project. The project must have a strong educational focus. Clubs, Regions and Countries can nominate a project which addresses but is not inclusive to the following:
- Vision and Mission of SISWP
- Increasing education opportunities for women
- Women's sustainable economic independence
- Women in leadership
- Entrepreneurship project
To find out more about the Brilliant Futures Fund click HERE