Soroptimists respond to Disaster. The Disaster response from the SISEAP Federation target the special needs of women and girls recovering from the effects of natural disasters. The Disaster response actions demonstrate the capacity of Soroptimists to identify and efficiently respond, it is both rewarding and stressful.
These are Project reports from Clubs around the Federation on their Disaster Response
Soroptimist work to improve the lives of women and girls through the Programme of Service, this service covers a broad spectrum of issues and concerns within 8 Objectives.В Women and Girls are faced with many issues, Soorptimists focus their efforts on these and develop projects that meet the specific needs of their communities.В Special Consultative status provides SISEAP with access to not only ECOSOC, but also to its many subsidiary bodies, Soroptimists engage with UN entitiesВ to implement change.В
Through the programme of service, reporting on the work we do system ensures that the collective efforts can be used to advocate for social change at local, national and international levels. Position Statements on issues of global concern are published collectively in "Where We Stand", poisition papers,В read the Soroptimist stance on various issues that affect the lives of women and girls.
8 Objectives of Program DeliveryВ
Elimination of violence,
Economic empowerment,
Food security,
Environmental sustainability, water and sanitation,
Conflict resolution/peace promotion,
Disaster relief, mitigation and resilience.
The work achieved through these projects provides opportunities to Educate, Empower and Enable women and girls to plan for their future and, allows for their econonic growth and opens doors to their dreams.
Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific works with other Non Government Organisations (NGOs) and has representation at meetings of UN agencies committees and commissions and or at major forums on specific issues. This provides members opportunities for awareness of global issues and ongoing involvement in attempts to address them. Soroptimist International joins with women worldwide to ensure the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women through the implementation of the Platform for Action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Learn more about the projects we deliver to benefit women and girls through the 13 countries in the Federation South East Asia PacificВ
The Federation project enables all Clubs to contribute to significant project that will have a positive, lasting effect on the lives of women and girls. The project is implemented in one of our member countries and is overseen by the nominating Club. The project is funded by money donated to the special fund and regular updates on progress are published along with a final report.
All Clubs can nominate a project that is related to our Goals and Objectives and meets the established and published criteria for the Federation project. Nominations are assessed by a panel of experienced Soroptimist using the published criteria. The successful project is announced at the Biennium Conference
Past projects have had a significant impact in countries across our Federation and have reflected the range of work that Soroptimists undertake, and the great improvement made in the lives of women and girls. Information about these projects can be found on the Past Federation Projects page
Our current Federation project "The Brilliant Futures Fund", demonstrates these qualities.
Brilliant Futures Fund Successful Winning Projects
The current SISEAP Federation project (2022-2024) is the Brilliant Futures Fund, this project provides opportunities for clubs to nominate a project which required funding to be implement. There have been 3 rounds of nominations. Successful projects have delivered vocational training, health and reproductive training, depression and mental health.
Donations to the Brilliant Futures Fund assist us in delivering this life changing work
Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific, Best Practice Awards are a celebration of the work of Clubs throughout the Federation. It achnowledges expertise in the planning and process of creating an effective project in Programme.
It serves also as an inspiration to the Clubs of what can be achieved with careful planning and can stimulate a willingness to undertake something different and challenging in their own Clubs.
Best Practice Awards 2023
Over the decades there have been many Federation Projects. These projects are club driven, clubs have the opportunity to nominate a project, and all clubs vote on the chosen project for a biennium, at times the project has continued through other bienniums. The projects exclimify the work by dedicated Soroptiimist volunteers, with the goals to provide opportunities to Educate, Empower and Enable women and girls to plan for their future, allows for their economic growth and opens doors to their dreams.
Sanctuary Shelter for Women 2016-2020
Fiji has one of the highest incidents of domestic violence. Fiji has an average rate of 64 per cent of women who have been in an intimate relationship resulting in physical and sexual violence. The global average is 1 in 3 and FIji is double that at 6 in 10 women. Action by the Fijian Soroptimists was to nominate Sanctuary Shelter for Women as the Federation Proejct for 2016. This project would build Fiji's first every shelter home for domestic victims.
The successful nominatied project in 2010 voted on by clubs was the "Birthing in the Pacific" a project which will focus on Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 – Improve Maternal Health. The BIP project will endeavour to minimise /reduce the risk of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality by improving maternity skills of midwives and training village birthing attendants in Papua New Guinea
Every 2 years Clubs are able to nominate a project for Soroptimists from the South East Asia Pacific Federation to support. These projects are implement by a Soroptimist Club in the geographical area. There have been many projects since 1979. These projects met the 8 Objectives of SI as well as the MDG's and now the SDG's. Thousands of women and children have benefited by these projects which have Educated, Enabled and Empowered them.
Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations