Read the latest news and outcomes from CSW 67
Links to Soroptimist parallel events held over the 2 weeks of 67
Links to blog written by the SISEAP Programme Team on events
Links to the Agreed Conclusions (DRAFT) document and much more.
CSW67 Held 6 to 17 March 2023
Priority theme: Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls
Review theme: Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls (agreed conclusions of the sixty-second session)
Digital Democracy for Disasters view recording via SISEAP youtube
Read the blog on the Digital Democracy for Disasters by Dr Nina Smart on the Soroptimist International website, this blog can be used as a useful tool for clubs to present to members and future partnerships on the valuable work Soroptimists undertake in times of Disaster.
1. To showcase the need for digital technology in existential threats, education and economic independence of women and girls
2. To scope opportunities for rural women to leapfrog in sustainable development
3. To demonstrate impact – efficiency and effectiveness toward gender equality
4. To articulate steps for fairer futures
Blogs from SISEAP Programme Team and Delegates to CSW67
Seveal of the programme team and the delegates to CSW wrote blogs about the sessions they attended, to read these informative blogs or to share with your club members read the blogs here
CSW 67 Agreed Conclusions (DRAFT) document
The outcome of the Commission’s consideration of the priority theme during its 67th session, the agreed conclusions (DRAFT), can be viewed here
Soroptimists from the 5 Federations attended CSW67. SI Advocacy Advisors Pat Black and Linda Witong have provided an easy-to-digest summary of the CSW67 Agreed Conclusion, which can be found on the Soroptimist International website. Pat and Linda identified three areas of particular concern:
- Education & Training
- Gender-Based Violence
They have suggested ways in which Soroptimists can take action in these areas. For more information and to find the summary visit the SI webiste
Soroptimist International parallel events
All these webinars can be viewed in full. Consider using these resources at a club meeting or event.
The SISEAPpresentation 8 minute video which was incorporated into the Enabling Rural Women presentation can be viewed on its own here.
Achieving Gender Equality and empowerment through Innovation, Technology and Education
Opening Doors to a Bright future: Educating, Empowerment and Enabling Rural Women
CSW67 parallel events can still be viewed until 17th of June
Just visit NGOCSW to register to attend virtually
NGOCSW produced a CSW67 round up newsletter, this newsletter has links to paralel events, conversational circles, regional caucus meetings, and more, Read the round up newletter here