Multi-SensoryВ TimeВ KitsВ help people to recall memories through the senses, this project see SI Albany in Western Australia launched theirВ multi-sensory KitsВ at a recent regional meeting.
MemberВ Rosalind Sawyer (retired) Occupational Therapist, suggested thisВ project ideaВ to the club. The club developed the concept with partners the City of Albany (through the Brandenberg Trust) and the Western Australian government. Through the Department of Communities, the partnership enabled kits to be produced and for promotion and marketing to commence in earnest.
The trials of the kits in local nursing homes and a local dementia day centre have proved very successful. The project is a very hands on project withВ Club members craftingВ the items in each kit. The kits provide memory prompts, by calling on the senses such as sight, touch, and smell, which encourage happy memories and discussion. Each of the themes relates to life experiences.
The kits are available individually or as a set. They would make aВ great asset to care providers.
More details can be foundВ HEREВ or via the SI Albany's Facebook page, which can be foundВ HERE.