The Australian Senate Select Committee invited Soroptimist Interenational South East Asia Pacific to give further evidence to strengthen the interim report on Work and Care. See statement pdf HERE (4.05 MB) . Of the 8 recommendations proposed, we are shaping a new one on migrant workers as well as addressing 4 we were concerned about:
- More recognition of unpaid and low-paid workers caring for ageing and people with disability and dementia (Childcare was well argued already and new budget was assigned for 26 week paid parental leave under the new Australian Wellbeing Budget)
Benchmarking across the APEC countries and OECD, where we can learn lessons - Right to disconnect (many workers in casual roles are torn between shifts, and never get enough sleep so their own mental and physical health). Flexibility, definitions in the Fair Work Act, because the onus is always on the worker to be strong enough to speak up
- Duty of care by the employer
- Migrant workers undertake less-skilled labour (even though they might be qualified abroad) so we need to ensure they are strong enough to negotiate fair treatment and pay
- Strengthen systems to support indigenous peoples need and carers for vulnerable people like the ageing and people with disability and dementia. The concept of everybody in the family and community takes responsibility for caring for children, including the value of elders as cultural educators with the sense of belonging in the communities, no matter what family structure exists.