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Purchase the beautifully designed SISWP Centennial Brooch and Bag Charm

Follow this link to complete the shop order forms. 

NOTE:  When ordering SWP brooch and bag charm consider placing a bulk order for all your club members to reduce the overall cost with postage.  

Merchandise will be available for order now with delivery in early January.  Make sure you order quickly so that you don't miss out. 

folder Shop Order Forms


The SWP Centennial Brooch will sit beautifully beside your Soroptimist Name Badge, or wear it as a stand alone piece, its design will blend beautifully with all your clothing, and is a statement piece which speaks of your affiliation with Soroptimist International.






bag charmThe SWP Bag Charm, a fun way to display your affiliation with Soroptimist International; this will go everywhere with you, enhance your handbags and tell the world about Soroptimist International and the work we do to improve the lives of women and girls world wide.  The additional 3 charms display the original Emblem, the peace sign as recognition of one of the very early Soroptimist campaigns to bring about World Peace and the Link Hands representing the value of Soroptimist Friendship and partnership in delivering quality projects.   







Soroptimist International SIGBI 100 Year Brooch

SWP members are also able to purchase the SIGBI designed brooch.   

SIGBI purple brooch picture

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations