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Kimberly Berem

SISWP CSW 63 delegate Kimberly Berem, gives a quick report on her first day in New York. #swpcsw63, #swpinspiringwomen

 I am so honored and humbled by this experience already even before the main event starts on Sunday 10th March 2019-NGO Commission on Status of Women 63rd Session on Social Protection Systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls!

The scholarship from Soroptimist International South West Pacific, the support from Soroptimist International PNG National Rep, fellow Soroptimist Sisters and my own Club, family and friends to get here is a story in itself. My God has made all this possible!

Today setting foot at United Nations Headquarters for the very first time to get our UN passes and a brief tour was surreal, a feeling I can't find the right words to describe. I am truly humbled and honored to have set foot in a building and place where global issues are discussed and Presidents, Diplomats, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Delegates from countries all over the world have trod, from this rooms discussions are held, decisions are made for all across this globe. Next week will be hectic and buzzing with it's own program but I leave it for now.



Todays session report 2

CSW63 - Report from Kimberly Berem on Yesterday's sessions 14th March 2019

1. NGOCSW Morning briefing organized by UN Department of Peace
- Human Rights Defenders around the world must be protected. Women Human Rights Defenders are particularly vulnerable to fight against Human Rights matters.

2. How to Better Plan & Design Inclusive Sustainable Infrustructure-organised by New Zealand with Panellists from Sweden and PNG Ambassador to United Nations-Amb. Max Rai

- New Zealand shared that it had challenges in ensuring its transport system was safe for its population especially the women and girls and vulnerable population and they also faced problems collecting accurate data and it has gone ahead to do surveys with women and children who are using all men as of transport in a bid to improve its transport infrustructure.

-Sweden commented that infrastructure is an essential function of every society which is again affected by gender. Women must be included in decision making for policy changes as well as the design phase as men most times do not know of issues affecting women. Sweden is also trying to have infrustructure in place that are sustainable and will guarantee safety and security for women.

-PNG has 800 languages which can be a barrier in itself and it's a society dominated by men as in many parts of the world. One of its main obstacles is data. It has no proper system in place to collect, store and disseminate data to enable policy makers and designers to plan appropriate infrustructure for its entire population including women who make up half of its population. PNG stated that the UN and other international organizations or countries can look at assisting it have proper systems to gather data. PNG briefly highlighted that one of its initiatives to have a Public transport bus for women and girls only has started in Port Moresby the nations capital city. It is also working on building a Market for Women Only so they can sell their produce without fear of their safety or of being harassed or robbed. PNG already has a bank for women only.

In a nutshell, the discussion concluded with panelists agreeing that women inclusion in decision making and designing phase will be the way forward to have infrustructure that is inclusive.Each policy, design and infrastructure must be locally based and owned to ensure true reflection of the needs of each country is met.

3. Women Leaders Advancement of Public Services for Gender Equality- organized by Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York.

- Taiwan is emerging as the top country in Asia in terms of giving its women equal rights and with a current President being a first in Taiwan and China and they have few women Ministers.Again the discussion centered on the need for women inclusion in both economical and political arena. Taiwan was proud to present their successes and initiatives and are focused on achieving all the SDGs which is good to see. Taiwan has done so much in so little time. Women leadership is key to democracy, human rights, etc..

Suggestions were made to involve women at all levels and have proper data to rely on for submissions, etc for policy making and designing of infrustructure as one cannot address what one cannot measure. Furthermore, suggestion to introduce Gender Education in schools as a taught subject.
All SDGs are universal and interlinked and in order to get to the last one, let the last one be base one because together we are stronger!


Theresa Devasahayam CSW63

Social Protection for Gender Equality, is the theme of a blog written by SISWP member Theresa W. Devasahayam, Theresa is the SI UN Representative for Bangkok. "The theme of the sixty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) focuses on social protection systems, access to public services, and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality, and the empowerment of women and girls. Women's right to social protection systems and access to public services are embedded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and other related international agreements.

You can read Theresa's full article here:

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Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations