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Tuesday 13th March 2018

Blog from SISWP Member Katherine Gribble at CSW62

First session at UN today that I attended was advancing research for policy formulation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
The moderator was Daniel Baker SeniorHumanitarian Advisor to Executive Director UNFPA HQ.

The first speaker was Ms Pramilla Pattern Under Secretary -General and UN Special representative on Sexual Violence in Coflict.
When there is conflict eg. Syria or Eastern Europe lack of data is a major concern. Infrastructure collapses eg. hospitals and law enforcers. Sexual violence and rape are rife with the need to dominate, humiliate, and victims are silenced by stigma and fear. There is no support because there is no infrastructure.

The next speaker was H. E. Ambassador Mara Marinaki EU/EEAS Principal advisor on Gender and on UNSCR 1325/WPS
She also spoke on getting proper data to prove crimes.
226 billion euros on all forms of violence, sexual trafficking 29.4 billion per annum to traffickers.
Spotlight on Latin America femicide and sub Sahara Africa, child marriage and genital circumcision in Girls. Education is the key with responsible parenthood ond particular education to men and boys is the call to action.

We then watched a video on how rape was investigated in Bosnia after the conflict with crime scene set up in victims house. The rapist parents lived nearby.
Next was a session on making the connection between inherited violence against women and children. Study was done in seven countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Violence is normalised and accepted, men are very controlling and therefore sons grow up thinking its normal behaviour. Education needed!

Dalia Leinarte Chairperson of UN CEDAW spoke about Denmark keeping very good data practice making it the third highest country in violence because of the excellent data and police very professional.

Poland looks good because their data is poor and information not collected.

H:E. Ambassador Melanne Verveer Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson in Office on Gender spoke about violence being a global scourge where there is conflict especially sexual violence and there is a need for data as many episodes go unreported for fear of retaliation.

Excellent session.


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